Krisberedskap För Alla cover, illustration with family playing cards by candlelight in dark apartment, wearing coats, camping stove, cans of food in background

What would you do if a power outage lasted several days? Or if the water supply suddenly became contaminated? How would you reach your family if a terror attack shut down the city centre? Officer and writer Miguel Guerrero’s book is a guide for everyone – not just ‘preppers’ with a bunker in the back yard – to be equipped and mentally prepared if, or when, the worst happens.

I made a series of illustrations for the book, including crisis scenarios to help the reader imagine possible emergencies, and lots of practical diagrams. The full-colour illustrations were drawn in pencil and combined with an acrylic painting for the colours. The black and white illustrations were drawn in pencil.

Published by Bonnier Fakta.
Graphic design by Eva Wilsson.

Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, blackout, woman talks to man through window, candle, winter
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, car crash, woman in green jacket geting out of blue car, calling emergency number on phone. Car upside down in field, rain.
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, office workers watching news on computer, worried man on phone, old woman crying, man looking out of window at smoke in background
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, young woman sporty clothes looks at brown water in glass, modern kitchen, phone in foreground with alert
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, dark alley in Rome, hand holding knife, mugger with tattoos pointing in foreground, couple tourists holding hands
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, dark forest, rain, family in red, blue, green jackets
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, b&w pencil drawing, woman puts warning triangle in road, windy, rain
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, b&w pencil drawing, woman points at words on large pad, clock on wall, coffee, buns on table
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, b&w pencil drawing, children laughing, carrying water can, forehead lamp
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, b&w pencil drawing, first aid bag, bandages, gloves
Krisberedskap För Alla illustration, b&w pencil drawing, woman in wooly hat kneeling, chopping wood on log with axe