Framtidslandet cover illustration, colourful painting with logs, steel girders, reindeer skull in foreground, steam train, factories, power station, sunset in background

Front cover illustration for “Land Of The Future” by Sverker Sörlin, a masterful academic work on Norrland, the vast and resource-rich region in the north of Sweden.

Sörlin investigates the utopian visions projected onto it since the industrial era, and the shifting web of interests around its exploitation; economic, societal, scientific and touristic; a unique landscape and a microcosm for the natural world as a whole. It has been considered something of a classic since its original publication in 1988, and this new edition by Teg Publishing brings it right up to the present day.

The illustration was painted in acrylic on board, and my intention was somewhere between a utopian vision and a dystopian nightmare, with lurid, over-saturated colours.

Published by Teg Publishing.
Graphic design by Eva Wilsson.

Framtidslandet cover illustration, colourful painting with logs, steel girders, reindeer skull in foreground, steam train, factories, power station, sunset in background